Monday, January 6, 2014

Vienna 2/3

Went to the Naschmarkt and bought some cheese and bread for lunch. Organic and local, of course. I've also realized it's unfair to call my knife a swiss army knife. What army knife would need a corkscrew? I feel like its more a swiss civilian picnic knife. Works great at cutting cheese and opening packages... At the market on Saturday was also a flea market with two different kinds of vendors. The serious ones who specialize in a few kinds of items and those who seemingly find junk in their attic and bring a table to put it on and sell. Why is someone trying to sell a 9V battery, it's not even in any packaging. There is just a loose battery on the table... Any who, the food was great, huge selection, felt kind of like the Shuk with all the falafel and shwarma and vendors yelling at you, trying to sell you stuff.


After making and eating my cheese sandwiches I went towards St. Stephen's Cathedral. It was pretty dam big and impressive, just like all the other giant Churches throughout Europe. I bought the whole pass, go up to both towers, the catacombs and enter the main floor to get closer to the front and see the treasure. I went to the catacombs first, it was a guided tour. Lots of bones and entrails and other various organs of important people of varying ages in jars of varying sizes. And yes, the jar size is connected to the age. Part of me thought a souvenir from there would be perfect but something about taking someone random bone is a little odd and I don't exactly want to carry around human remains. So, I guess I'm not a good enough friend... Sorry. The tour guide was perfect for his job, cracking lots of jokes and keeping the atmosphere light, despite being surrounded by corpses in a maze of underground tunnels. That is talent. For some reason, the tour let out outside the church so I had to muscle my way back inside to go see the next part of my ticket. The north tower. I got back in line and was behind a mother and (I can only assume they were) her two kids. The line moves up in spurts as groups go up in the elevator and you wait for the elevator to come back down. So I'm waiting and hearing this electronic music and at first I don't care, maybe its just a cellphone but after 3 minutes of it I'm a little tired. The people in front of me get to the desk to buy their ticket for the tower and the guy at the desk is also a little more than curious about the music that seems to be coming from them. They take out this little-plastic-electric-toy-violin that won't shut up. The guy tries futzing with it but it doesn't stop. The beeping violin is now on the table and I'm right next to it while they're talking so it's fair game for me to intervene at this point. I take out my swiss army knife and shove the corkscrew right through its heart. The sound gets very high pitched then just slowly dies down, whining and wheezing... Okay that didn't happen. I just unscrewed the battery cover a little so it wasn't making contact with circuit anymore. Now onto pictures from the top. Also, the guy working the elevator was kinda creepy, flirting with any girl he could. So... Every girl that got on and had to be right next to him for the slow ascent.

The Treasure Room, oohhh

After seeing the Cathedral I walked East away from the heart of the city with all the crazy winding streets. But not before I helped some lovely Canadians with directions. It's always nice to hear native english speakers who aren't just talking about bars or sound like they could be on any of those reality TV shows that shouldn't exist. IE a Fran Drescher voice, not that I have anything against her, she was great on the Nanny. But when you only have 9 TV channels to choose from growing up, almost anything is good. I digress. I walk towards a park, meander a bit, admire the sun starting to set and all the shades of orange and pink. I walk to the river and walk along it, graffiti for meters on meters. I just dropped off my first 4 rolls of film at a store (I'm in Berlin now) and they should be ready to pick up tomorrow night. 
After lots more walking, I'm ready for dinner and I picked out a place because they brew their own beer. 1516 Brewing Company. I got the Oatmeal Stout, and some cheesey spaetzle. Oh, and some schnapps for dessert. It was a very heavy meal. Just as heavy as the air was with cigarette smoke. Welcome to Europe, I guess. Good Day.

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