Friday, January 10, 2014

Prague, Night 1

Alrighty then, on to Prague, or Praha as the natives spell it, it's also pronounced differently. So I get to the hostel, find out it wasn't actually paid for and fork over almost all my cash as a deposit. But!!!! I still have enough for a night of debauchery!!! I arranged to meet up with the three other people at a bar but when I got them and met them the bar was closed. Harumph. We go to another bar nearby, called the Wagon but it's not free/not letting young people in until after midnight. So we have a couple hours to kill and just walk around, cross the river, see a few cool things, like the creepy baby statues. Eventually we make our way back. The crowd here was not what I was expecting. It was full of people who were old enough to be my parents or even grandparents. There was a live rock band, finishing their set and a medium sized dance floor full of people. The bar, like most other European bars was full of smoke, my clothes were saturated in it by the end of the night. But the more beer I drank, the less it bothered me. After the band stopped playing, they just started playing classic rock hits and I couldn't stop singing/shouting every single one of them, in between rounds of beer. It was also hysterical watching the older generation, falling asleep, chugging beer, singing their lungs out, lots o' fun.

Art installation outside the hostel

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