Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Couchsurfing in Prague

Fast forward to brunch, complete with Klezmer music and sandwiches with butter and cheese because that's what we do in Europe, I guess... Fast forward to sometime later and I'm checking out of the hostel and going to my couchsurfing host. Who has a giant cat, pictured for your convenience on the left.
We do more walking around that night, I make dinner and the next day we go to Theresienstadt. It was super foggy (you couldn't see more than 30 meters ahead of you) and cold and creepy. It felt like a ghost town. There were a few tour groups there and two people stood out in particular. They were holding hands. I never thought of Theresienstadt as a romantic place, but hey, to each their own, I guess... For dinner we went to one of the only places open in town that wasn't a museum or antique store. I got the fried cheese, which was essentially a giant mozzarella stick but made with a different and tastier cheese. The next day I did a lot of walking around and picture taking, went to the castle district, saw some public art installations, creepy baby statues... The next day I went to Berlin!

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