Monday, December 28, 2009
I had all my wisdom teeth removed last week, it wasn't and isn't fun. Luckily, they don't grow back and they prescribed some really good painkillers. The stitches fell out a little early so now there's a nice open wound behind one of my molars and its taking its sweet time to close back up. But on a lighter note, I got into the college I wanted and as bonus I got an academic scholarship, it's not a full ride but it sure helps. Also, I've been spending some time on Chat Roulette and I met some really cool, interesting people. I also saw a lot of guys, too many guys, jacking off. Nothing crazy has happened to me recently but I should see something when I go into the city Wednesday.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
There's an always an exception
What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger
Except AIDS
You learn something new every day
Unless you're in a coma
Sharing is caring
Except crabs and syphilis (this is the 1/2 post about maja)
Except AIDS
You learn something new every day
Unless you're in a coma
Sharing is caring
Except crabs and syphilis (this is the 1/2 post about maja)
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
My Name Is Carl
I have a 4-5 page paper that I need to write for my physiology/anatomy class and we were allowed to pick the disease/disorder to do it on. I wanted to have fun with this so I decided to pick something fun and maybe it can be called edgy, erectile dysfunction. I am going to write a 4-5 page paper on erectile dysfunction and give a powerpoint presentation on it but the best part is how I have to write it. I can't write it like a research paper but I have to write it like a documentary, through the point of view of someone. It could be the patient, the spouse or even the doctor's point of view but I'm going to choose the patient's point of view. Also, I'm going to start another blog to get myself to start writing this so I can get it done quickly. It will be called "My Name is Carl" and it should be a lot of fun.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Just Meh
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Brownie Ramblings
Like any other person, I love Ben & Jerry's ice cream. Especially phish food and chocolate fudge brownie but not because I like chocolate. In fact, strawberry is my favorite flavor (when it's made with real strawberries and not chemical crap). I love those flavors because they're like a kinder egg, not only do you get the ice cream but you get the extra stuff that's in it. The caramel swirls, marshmallow bits and chocolate fishes and the big brownie chunks. The brownie chunks are the best, but unfortunately the ratio of brownie to ice cream is not usually very high, in fact it's pretty low. This leads me to my main point. When it comes to the brownie bits I will go out of my way to get them. No matter how sneaky I need to be I will eat all of them. I let someone else start it out, getting rid of the top and as soon as I see a bit of brownie poking out of the chocolate I attack it with my spoon. I will dig and dig into that little pint to get all of the brownie into my stomach. But if I just dug everything up, it would be obvious that I dug everything up and that's when the trickiness comes in. After eating all the brownie, I even out the chocolate layer and then smooth it over. But that still makes things too obvious. Then I take little spoonfuls from the smoothed out layer to look like someone just took a normal portion and didn't eat all the brownie bits.
Monday, October 26, 2009
It's for niggers and Mexicans.
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: what can you tell me about health care and obama's plan for reform in the US
Stranger: It's for niggers and Mexicans.
You have disconnected.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
So Long
I'm going away for 6 weeks now and I won't have any internet access but when I come back I will have plenty of things to post.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
C for Cookie
This is a little stupid parody I made a long time ago and if you couldn't guess it's a parody of V for Vendetta. If someone were to make this into a movie or even make a trailer of this, I would love it.
From the creators who brought you the Muppet Revolution, we bring you C for Cookie. Following a world cookie ban, Sesame Street is a police country occupied by a greedy ruler called Big-Bird. A conservator known only as "C" uses cunning tactics to bring back cookies to the oppressive state in which he now lives When C saves a girl named Miss Piggy from the E.L.M.O. army, he discovers an ally in his fight against Sesame Street's oppressors.
From the creators who brought you the Muppet Revolution, we bring you C for Cookie. Following a world cookie ban, Sesame Street is a police country occupied by a greedy ruler called Big-Bird. A conservator known only as "C" uses cunning tactics to bring back cookies to the oppressive state in which he now lives When C saves a girl named Miss Piggy from the E.L.M.O. army, he discovers an ally in his fight against Sesame Street's oppressors.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
So, I decided to start a second blog because nothing interesting has been happening lately except that I saw Dead Snow which I will talk about later. It's called and it's just a collection of some of my omegle conversations that I decided to save. For those who don't know Omegle is a semi-recent website in which you randomly connect and chat with random strangers. No nicknames, just you and stranger, to help somewhat preserve anonymity because you can reveal anything you want about yourself. I highly recommend trying out if you have some time to kill and you want to have a good laugh and I know you want a good laugh, because that's why you're here. Right?
Friday, June 5, 2009
- "Flip a coin, heads or tits"
- "I'm just gonna go to the bathroom"-"Ok, don't hurt yourself"
- "I blame society"- "I blame you"- "I hate the blame game"
- "Can you warm up my cherry pie" (old lady at diner)
- "I remember you, oh your trademark red hair" (old babysitter on the street)
- "Oh shit!!! I'm sorry" (woman who thought I worked at Trader Joe's after finding out I don't)
Deodorant Continued
After having the deodorant stain my shirts I decided to take action about it. I e-mailed Colgate-Palmolive and complained about how they stained my shirts trying to make it seem a little over-dramatic so I would get a decent response. I honestly thought nothing would come out of it other than an e-mail. A few days later I got an e-mail like I thought and when I was reading it I noticed it said that "Your response involved material we wanted to send you, therefore the response has been sent via regular (postal) mail and should reach you within three weeks." I thought wow, that's cool, I wonder what they're going to send to me. Just ten days later I get a big envelope/package from Colgate-Palmolive. Inside was more envelopes, coupons and papers. So I got two coupons for a free stick of deodorant (excluding tax, of course) and a whole envelope of assorted coupons. I was looking through the papers and they wanted me to return the product if possible in the pre-paid envelope. Conclusions: complaining to corporate giants can pay off.
I think I might try praising them next in hope for more coupons or other freebies.
I think I might try praising them next in hope for more coupons or other freebies.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Aluminum zirconium tetrachlorohydrex gly
I could go on explaining the structure of this chemical and where it's found and what it does but I won't. I'll just explain where it's found and what it does because I don't know how to do the first thing. Don't worry it's nothing too fancy it's just the active ingredient in my deodorant which is Speed Stick Irish Spring Icy Blast. I'm hoping for a sponsorship deal that's why it's in here but not at all. It's "purpose" according to the label is an antiperspirant and it does an ok job at that. What it does an even better job at is staining my t-shirt to a darker color right in the pits. The last time I checked deodorant is supposed to do two things, keep you from sweating and smelling. Basically I have two options I can either use it and get dark noticeable stains on all my shirts and not smell or I don't use it and I get yellow stains and sweat and smell a little. I choose option three, I'll just buy a new deodorant without aluminum zirconium tetrachlorohydrex gly.
Lesson learned: avoid aluminum zirconium tetrachlorohydrex gly
Lesson learned: avoid aluminum zirconium tetrachlorohydrex gly
Sunday, April 19, 2009
About Me
- I'm too cheap to buy cookie crisp so I just buy small cookies instead and eat those for breakfast
- I have the best pair of slippers ever, they are killer rabbit slippers
- I'm scared of religious fanatics
- I think it's BS that a diner will charge 75¢ more to grill a cheese sandwich
- I think the tasting paper in Willy Wonka's factory is just acid paper and the whole movie was just a bad trip
- Mannequins are the scariest things in the world when they are not in stores but are popping out of bushes on the street at night
- "Know how useful you are? You're about as useful as a ping pong ball in a hurricane"
- "Shot shards of shrapnel"
- "I like your shirt. Thanks, I couldn't decide which one to wear so I wore both "
- "I just took a spin class and my vagina feels like it's on fire"
- "Now what's the deal with- SHUTUP!!"
Saturday, April 18, 2009
New T-Shirt
I have a very dry and twisted sense of humor but for $5 I couldn't resist. On the back there's an 11. I guess it was a funeral home sponsored softball team or maybe even a little league team. After a little google search I found out that there is a Scalia Funeral Home in Staten Island. One of the best $5 I ever spent.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
This was in the NYT?
An article about how dogs and cats are dangerous because they cause people to fall was in the health section of the New York Times (online). Maybe the next article will be about how fish expose their owners to infection when fish poop in their tank. Or how delightful penguins are.
Monday, March 23, 2009
I love the subway but my mom doesn't
On a Wednesday a while back my mom got spat on, on the subway. She was waiting at Grand Central and she was walking on the platform to get a newspaper. There was a strange woman bundled up with her whole head suspiciously covered in a scarf. She was wearing a tattered, old, frayed at the edges coat from shoulder to toe. As my mom walked by this strange woman she glanced at her. When my mother got to the little convenience stand there were no newspapers so she went back to her spot, waiting for the train. As my mom walked by this odd lady once again, but not looking at her this time she said, quite audibly: "What are you looking at?" and proceeded to spit at my mother. Now my mother may piss me off at some times but that's what parents do and spitting at someone on the subway is still, just unacceptable.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
THIS IS A JOKE (in terrible taste)
The Sadistic Pedophile is grotesque when it comes to sexual preferences. They severely abuse their victims and sometimes kill them. They search for the perfect victim and they will travel long distances to gain access to the victim. They stalk and then attack and/or abduct their victim. Their abductions are typically designed to confuse the parents and the authorities. This type of pedophile is usually intelligent and middle to upper class. They like to be on the move and they like change.
Know who else likes change?
I'm so sorry for this, I really am, but a friend of mine needed a laugh and this worked. I like Obama but this just hit a funny bone.
Know who else likes change?
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Stuff About Me
- My favorite color is rainbow
- I'm illiperate, I can't read lips
- I can grow a nice beard but no luck on the mustache
- When it comes to buying deodorant and soap it takes me forever to decide what to buy
- I like to curl up and sit in a nice clothes dryer after the clothes are taken out
- I don't like that my cellphone can't spell bagel automatically, it just stops after acid
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Saw this on the subway
Monday, January 19, 2009
- "I just had all this junk in my trunk"
- "I don't like thrift stores, I think they are cheap and used"
- "You smoking super crack and diesel fuel"
- "Ladies and Gentlemen I am not selling candy for my basketball team. I am selling candy to put a little extra money in my pocket." (at least he was honest)
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Things I Want to See
- Easy Baked Oven
- Transformers: Robots in Denial
- Sleep Enhancing Toothpaste (Edit: It already exists)
- Car Air Freshener Necklaces/Bling
- Infant criminals (3 year old sues 5 year old for rape)
- Love Glove (like Ove Glove but for something else...)
- Ink blots on the subway as a result of hobo stains
- Cute animals like penguins replacing people in horror and drama movies
I love the subway

NOTE: the picture is not the actual train where it happened
Sunday, January 4, 2009
My New Book, maybe
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