Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Update #2: Bowels returning to normal function

The first week has been a mixed bag, the first few days jet lag was kicking my butt, I was not doing a good job being social. I live with a bunch of kids from the tristate area (frat brothers). One of my suitmates actually cooks (meals for other people) and does a decent job cleaning up after himself, but everything is very meat-centric. He seems like a cool kid. They love country music... They are actually talking about their muscles right now and how they dont understand why their biceps arent exploding and why they dont have abs yet. I cant make this stuff up... So yeah, first few days was just shopping here and there, went to the ramat aviv mall (2 floors but super long) and grocery stores. My sleep schedule was stuck in both time zones, like 11pm-2am and then again from 9am-1pm (both my time). It was not pleasant, I would just walk around in the early morning. Talk up the person at the 24/7 Mart (cigs, food and drinks). Also met this lovely Israeli at 3am. She was biking past me, I smile and say boker tov, she does the same. Then she stops and is on the phone. I walk by her and then she gets going again and stops next to me and we just start talking for like an hour. It was really nice but she is 18 and Israeli so I did not ask for her number. She offered to beat up Nofar for me (awww.) Tofu was very hard to find, kale just does not exist. The only beans I can find are chickpeas, and Egyptian Fava beans (lentils too). Cheese is not the same. Brassica family vegetables are poor quality. /foodierant Saturday night I hung out with a friend from camp and at one point this group of about 15 year old Israelis wanted us to take a picture of them with their asses hanging out in front of the harbor... Some things will always be the same, independent of the country you're in. I got back to the dorms around 1am. Wanted to talk to my all knowing uncle, we texted and it seemed that our schedules would not work out together. I go upstairs, slowly open my door and low and behold, my roommate jerking it to the glow of his macbook. I quietly close the door and just nope the fuck out of there. I turn on the hot water heater for the shower, it takes a few minutes so no more spontaneous showers (like that was a thing...) and then my phone starts vibrating, its my uncle, so I gladly go downstairs and talk to him for a while. We finish talking and I go back upstairs and cross paths with my roommate. I don't think he knows I walked in on him or he's just pretending it didnt happen. He says he's getting something from downstairs, presumably a post-masturbation celebratory snack. I have to find a way to bring this up later on. Suggestions? I had a beer in the shower before bed (1. I've always wanted to do that 2. I couldnt find any sleepy time tea) and it was not as great as everyone claims it to be. Also, I couldnt find any sleep aids at the pharmacy (Super Pharm). Just expensive sunblock that smells like baby powder and barely rubs in. #whatcanticomplainabout #selfawareness This allowed me to sleep until 3!!!!! But I woke up and couldnt remember how to sleep and I felt like I was a potato that just wanted to be baked in the oven. Weird. Sunday I had my first class, intro to developmental psychology, made friends with 2 freshman on my way to class. We went around the room, where we're from, and our year in school, just about 90% of the class said first year... I feel like a grandpa. Can't tell how that class is gonna be yet but there is one girl who has been studying psychology at her school for a while and you could tell how pleased the teacher was (sarcasm.) I had my economics class today, same thing, grandpa status. Went around with introductions, nobody studies anything even close to agriculture in that class. The teacher is a dry Israeli brit and is already glancing at me whenever he says something farm related. Some people not from the tri-state area in my classes. There was a girl from Paris in my econ class and I started talking to her after class to see if she could help me with my french (not a euphemism) and give me some travel advice over a drink, I gave her my number and I'll let you in on the secrets of Paris once I find them out. Also, a girl approached me after the same class and was really interested in my major, so I might have another new friend. That essentially sums up stuff. Don't feel like writing postcards until more stuff happens. Also, somethings I've noticed. I wanted to buy some drugs at the 24/7 Mart and asked if they sold medicine, I got a weird look and was told that its not a pharmacy. I guess Israelis are better at dealing with shit than Americans. You can get 2 pills of Tylenol whenever you want in NY but not in Israel. We're just spoiled I guess. Also, I brought a 3 hole punch binder with the notion I could just buy more paper in Israel. Funny difference, in Israel they use paper with only 2 holes that would be in between our 3 holes. So I had to get Israeli school supplies. Also, people don't jaywalk here and the lights go from red to yellow to green to yellow to red. So you dont slam on the gas when it turns green like in the US, supposedly to accommodate the older manual cars.

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