Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Now or Never

I choose now (in terms of writing the first post). I somewhat recently arrived at my dorm in Tel Aviv University, and I have to say, they are very good at taking pictures and making the dorms look bigger than they actually are. My flight and airport experience were what I would consider normal. I breezed through security and customs on both ends, must be my innocent looking face. The gate was full of elderly Asian women and chasidim. I got a salad before going on the plane and of course I shared it.
Nothing out of the ordinary really happened on the plane ride, it was full of chasidim like pretty much every plane to and from Israel, and the occasional screaming baby/child. I selected the ovo-lactovegetarian meal and luckily because of that I was one of the first people to receive their meal, not sure if that works on every airline but I was quite pleased. I don't think I slept. I'm unsure because there were definitely some lapses in consciousness but I don't remember having the sensation of waking up. I got my luggage from the carousel in what must be record time, got a taxi, the driver barely spoke English and seemed to dislike Americans who go to Israel for school. Whenever she said something I couldn't understand she would just say lo chashuv (not important) in such a charming and kind manner (sarcasm). So now I'm just resting and digesting in my dorm, fighting off jet lag and hoping to be able to start my long to do list tomorrow. 

The one time penguins can fly

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