After breakfast I did some wandering for an hour or two. Really had to go to the bathroom after walking for a while, ended up back by the shuk and got a perfect chance to use my smartphone to google for bathrooms in tel aviv. Luckily there was one just down a flight of stairs at the entrance of the market. But, I found something even better than a bathroom a little later. A really cool store on Allenby, Leopard Fun Shop, full of nifty kitchen gadgets. I felt like I found my proverbial personal candy store. I've been looking for a little pan or baking sheet for the little toaster oven but I haven't found anything small enough yet. They had some small springform pans, so I may cave in and buy one or two next time. I also made sure on the bus ride back to keep an eye open for any cool looking stores or places to eat and found a few, will have to revisit them!
Also, because my life wouldn't be complete without a visit from Murphy (and his oh so delightful law, not a theory, a law.) I was doing laundry on Tuesday and I heard you could just buy detergent there, I thought there was just a little machine that would give you a packet of detergent. So I put my clothes in the washing machine, put 2 shekel into the this metal wall-mounted box expecting a little packet of detergent to come out. Nothing happens immediately so I look at the base of the machine and notice a little plastic tube with some pink liquid around it. Then I realized in a split second that it's about to start squirting out detergent and I have nothing to catch it with. Two seconds later it starts flowing and I am helpless, there is nothing I can do to stop it and nothing to catch it with. So, for the 8 seconds the detergent is flowing all over the table I, along with two other people doing their laundry are just staring as all this pink liquid is just pouring all over. A few awkward still seconds later I realize it's just soap and I soak it up with some socks, throw them back in the machine and problem solved.
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