Thursday, October 17, 2013

Cat Fact #5am

Smug Bastard
This is "Yosi" or the cat that just about everybody "fucking hates." I say just about everybody because one of my suit-mates likes him. He also will feed him and put out a bowl of water in our kitchen for him and if anyone had a childhood they probably are familiar with how this behavior works out. This cat is one of many that lives in the dorm area but the only one that has been taken to a vet to get neutered/spayed, I didn't check and I probably won't, and get its shots. So at least it's not a feral cat. My first week here this cat just came into my room and onto the balcony and then disappeared, probably went to explore the adjoining balconies and be a dick elsewhere. Can't you tell that I love this cat? Here comes the fun part. Around 5am on Wednesday I wake up from a super vivid dream to react to something jumping on my legs in bed, no idea what as my eyes are still closed (It felt like I woke up a second before he actually jumped but I'm not entirely sure if that's true.) My adrenaline starts pumping and I start kicking. I quickly wake up and realize it was this ass. Now he's just sitting on the edge of my bed not giving a single dam, just being a cat. I try shooing it away, I just get a glance. So I just start pushing it with my feet until it jumps off but not because I was pushing it, just because it wanted to leave... Cats... But it doesn't end there because he is just now sitting all smug on the floor beside my bed. I don't trust this [name above and to the right] and don't want him in my room so I open the door and try to shoo him out the door. It failed the first time, why would it work the second time? So I take the end of my sleeping bag and just start pushing it outside. I close the door and make sure it can't just be pushed open, curse the cat a few times and then attempt to fall back asleep (which failed by the way.) I can not make this stuff up, just as I finished that last sentence this song comes up on Pandora. My life is a joke.

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