Monday, November 17, 2008

Scary movies and camp

I'll admit it, I'm a camp person. For my last 6 summers I've been going to a sleep away camp for two months. We live in bunks which are made of wood but it's painted so you don't even get the log cabin feel. There's a whole list of things that we are not supposed to bring but we bring it anyway. Forbidden items include hotpots (the food there isn't always that great) and DVD players. So one night my bunk decided to watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre in the middle of the night. It had our entire bunk scared for the rest of the summer. Not only is the bunk made out of wood that a chainsaw can easily cut through but their are thin cracks in the walls and in the bathroom floor but that's besides the point. After seeing the movie our counselors decide to take us star gazing. So later that week we go down to the golf course for star gazing at night. To get to the golf course you need to walk down a hill with woods on each side and only the moon to light the path. We bunch together, scrambling to be as far away from the edge of the road as possible. We were too scared to care about the stars that night because the only thing on our minds was the thought of some maniac running at us with a chainsaw with nowhere to run or hide. That was one of the scariest moments in my life and it made me run anytime I had to get from one place to another at night for the rest of the summer.

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