Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Last bits of Tel Aviv

The last week in Israel was an interesting one. I was lucky to have both of my finals the first two days of finals week and finished them rather early. So I had a lot of free time the last week, did a lot of walking around tel aviv, had dinner with a friend at a tapas bar. Went to an improv group event Tuesday night after my last final, it was a lot of fun. We spent a few hours just playing improv games and went to a karaoke bar afterwards. However, most of the week was just me running around like a decapitated chicken getting paperwork done and finalizing travel plans and trying to send a piece of luggage home instead of taking it with me to Europe. I went to the post office to try and send the luggage home, you cant send luggage unless you put it into a box. I couldn't find a box big enough for it so I ended up using DHL. The Israeli customer service was perfect, straight to the point and full of dry humor. I also went back to the post office because of the two times I sent postcards, I got one postcard back from each batch so I went back to send them again. Hopefully they won't send them back a second time as I am no longer in Israel...
Later that week on Thursday I went to Jerusalem with a few friends. The bus normally shouldn't take more than an hour but there was a ton of traffic and it took us a few hours. I was sitting next to a brooklyn hipster with a medium format camera and beard who raised ducks in his apartment... We finally get to Jerusalem and the sun is in its last hour, so we're in a bit of rush to get to the kotel so I can get some good pictures while there is still light. There was snow on the ground, helped me get into the mindset of winter even though the following day in Tel Aviv was quite warm. We were walking through the old city, christian quarters avoiding the small tractors occasionally passing us by, trying not to speak hebrew or make christmas jokes. After getting a little lost and the girls getting a little distracted by all the stores we finally arrived. The last time I was there was over 5 years ago, it felt a little eerie to be back. The kotel just does that. We also went to Marzipan Bakery by Machane Yehudah street, such good rugalech. Fresh out the oven and covered in syrup. By the time we got back, two of my suitmates had already left. I'm not sure how they were able to leave because they didn't exactly do a good job cleaning up after themselves. My roommate left some shoes, his hookah which he told the madricha was mine... and a bunch of other random things. So that wasn't fun.
The last week also included us cleaning and trying to finish the rest of our alcohol. It was tough but we managed. It made cleaning a lot more fun. We either gave away our stuff to friends who were staying for the whole year or the 3 year BA program, put it in the shelter or threw them out. It took a lot of garbage bags and trips up and down the stairs to the underground shelter but we did it. Post about Budapest and the flight to follow. Going to Vienna tomorrow!!
Pile O' Shoes in the Shelter

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