Saturday, December 7, 2013

Catch Up

Nothing like some time at the farmers market AND then finding the biggest and most adorable dog ever!!! This girl was pulling it around all over the boardwalk and just yanking his leash. I felt so bad for him and impressed that he didn't snap at the little girl. I mean look at it. It's huge!

My view of the shuk from Beer Bazar. I love
the little tree growing out of the house.
I was a little surprised to see this in Israel. Just in time for winter back in the states... It wasn't very good. Shipyard Wreck still remains my favorite.

I went on a little adventure last Tuesday around  the Levinski market on Levinski street. It's where all the spices and dried goods are. Nuts, seeds, dried fruits, teas. All slightly cheaper than the few vendors at the Karmel Shuk. I was feeling kinda hungry when I was walking around and saw this little hole in the wall store and a guy eating at the table closest to the sidewalk and I saw this pizza pie. So I bought my own. My first real pizza in Israel. Eggplant, onions and 'spicy' peppers.

 That same Tuesday I went to running club after class, only I was the only one who showed up that week. Oh yeah there is a running club started by a few graduate students there that I joined via facebook. The first week we ran about 5 miles and it took an hour. Painfully slow. But we got ice cream afterwards and it was really nice. This past week I was alone and wanted to do better than my previous time of 40 minutes. So I had a very intense run and did it in 37 minutes. I don't think I ever did this well in high school. So I was exhausted and ended up going to the Dancing Camel Pub downtown with a friend after. I got the stout and we shared a plate of 'nachos'. They were mini rice cakes with some horrible cheese powder coating. But the beer was delicious and the pub was awesome. I got a horrible sore throat and cold the next day. It lasted about a week and I'm all better now. I'm also definitely not going to a party tonight...

My parents were also in town, they won a raffle and got a free trip to Israel. They took me and some friends out to dinner at this Italian place. Had creme brulee for the first time and realized how much of a foodie I am yet again. I said it was my first time eating it and everyone was so shocked. You've never had creme brulee?!? They were so surprised that I have never eaten it. Also there was an old picture of John Krasinski outside the restaurant. I was also treated to multiple meals and an afternoon nap in a hotel room. Those are always so nice, especially when you're sick. Thank you if you're reading this.
We also went to North Abraxas and made quite a mess. It's a good thing the tablecloth is just two strips of butcher paper. There was also some fish leftover and they didn't have any takeaway containers so they just gave me one of their ceramic plates and covered it in plastic. Unless I go back for another meal, I got a free souvenir!!
Eukanuba even in Israel
Cool graffiti

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