Friday, February 7, 2014

Delay in Posts/Bienvenido a Barcelona

So I got robbed in Barcelona so no more computer so probably no more blogging unless I get more frequent access to a computer, the hotel I´m in now has two for customers. So Amsterdam, Paris, and Lyon might be missing for a while.

I'm walking to the train station so I can get to my place here. Some guy points out what he says is shit on my big green backpack and i touch it and realize its just paint. I keep walking then he gives me a tissue to wipe it off. I was carrying my yellow backpack on my front the whole time. Then he gives me more tissues and herds me over to the bench where i put down my yellow bag. He helps me clean it aka distracts me while someone takes it and runs (I dont see them) he points out in one direction but I see nothing yellow or anybody running. I keep asking him where they went and he just points in one direction. I ask him to help but he says he cant and he has to go. I knew it was a fishy situation so I had a deathgrip on my phone the whole time but I let my guard down on my yellow backpack with my laptop, camera, lens, old moleskines, swiss army knife, passport, drivers license and student id, papers and books (no more would you rather, sorry rebecca), external hard drive. But im only upset about losing the moleskines, knife, passport and camera strap. All the physical things can be bought a new and even though the lenses were dad's when I get new ones I'll still think of him just from using any nikon fe2. Also, the 4 rolls of film I had finished were luckily in my green backpack as was my eurail pass, credit cards, phone and retainer. So I only lost the pictures from Lyon. Finally, at least they didnt shank me. Shanking sucks. Also I may not have any presents to give people right now.

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