Thursday, November 14, 2013

I guess I should update this

I had two midterms this week along with other assignments, some of which I'm still working on so this will be a fairly brief update with the possibility of expansion later but not so likely...
  • Last weekend I slept over at a friend's (from sprout lake) house and I made pizza for her family for dinner, they had a pizza stone, it was glorious. It was super relaxing and just nice to be in a real home instead of the dorms. They also had a kitler. Google it.
  • When I was at the Shuk I got a hummus plate. Warm hummus. Whole new experience. Life changing.
  • I did some kumquat harvesting at Hakfar Hayarok and they were so good. Really weird that not only can you eat the skin but the skin is sweeter than the juice inside it.
  • I'm in love with the farmers market. I spent almost 100 shekel ~$30 on cheese alone and about $5 on the best mango I've ever had. 10/10 -would buy again
  • I spent a lot of time studying for my economy midterm in the library. It's nice but it doesn't compare to the 26 floor behemoth of a library at UMass. 
  • I spent almost no time studying for my environment midterm. Didn't really need to. Much easier to learn and memorize environment notes compared to economy notes. I guess I should write a post about Israel's environment and the mistakes they made in the past. Horrible mistakes. One after another...
  • I've adjusted to cooking with the food they do have here. In part due to my deal with a friend. I cook dinner for both of us and I get paid. Initially with a liter of bourbon. Anybody have any good mixed drink recipes with Jim Bean? I don't really enjoy drinking it plain...
  • I learned how to say apricot in hebrew. Meeshmeesh.
  • I found the TAU running club. Ran 8km (5 miles) with them Tuesday night in about an hour. It was a painfully slow pace but fun experience nonetheless. We got ice cream after. 
  • I heard that there was snow back home and became very jealous. I want winter so badly even though the weather here is beautiful. 
  • I saw blue jasmine, new woody allen film. It was pretty good and I think the first woody allen film I've ever seen.
  • I finally found out who was in charge of the secret neglected garden and started working with him. I spent about twenty minutes trying to uproot a guava tree but couldn't do it. I had to go to class.
  • I talked to someone about the new grad school program here dealing with food security. It was really cool to hear about and a little tempting.
  • Nothing else is springing to mind at the moment and I have to run to my acting class. 

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