Saturday, November 2, 2013

Dog Decision Tree

Picture 1
Picture 2

This is dog. Dog likes to play fetch. However, Dog doesn't really know how to play fetch. Most of the time if you throw the stick Dog will get the stick. Dog might bring the stick back, which Dog does most of the time, or Dog might just lay there with the stick. If Dog brings the stick back, just like before, one of two things will happen. Dog might put the stick at your feet for you to throw again and if you do, the Dog Decision Tree starts all over again. The other option, as seen in the pictures, is what happens when Dog does not give the stick back. Dog will keep the stick in it's mouth but put it's head against your hand. If you move your hands away from Dog it will push it's head against you as seen in Picture 1. However caution must be exercised. For as soon as you try to grab the stick Dog will bite further up the stick closer to your hand. If your hand is not bitten off in the process you may continue to Picture 2. In Picture 2 you will simply be playing tug-o-war with Dog. If the stick gets broken off in the process a new stick will be required to start the Dog Decision Tree all over again. Also, if you let go of the stick you will go back to Picture 2. Fin.

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