Thursday, January 21, 2010

Beards and Shakespeare

When I started my senior year of high school I decided that I wanted it to be fun and not too hard. I chose my classes carefully, making sure I didn't pick the ones that would drown me in boring assignments even though that still happens, just not as much as it could have been. I also wanted to do some fun extracurricular activities. I've been doing all three seasons of track since freshman year but it's not exactly fun fun, it's more like hard work with a little bit of fun sprinkled in. So, one day in English class my teacher made an announcement about the Shakespeare club at my school and how they would be performing Shakespeare's Twelfth Night (yes I just italicized that) later on in the year and that they were looking for people to join and perform. On a whim I decided on the spot that I should join. I thought, this should be fun and I've always wanted to act but never have. Skipping all the boring stuff in between then and now, we'll be performing sometime in April and I'll be playing Duke Orsino. You might be wondering how this relates to beards and I promise you there's a good reason and an even better idea that came out of this. When winter came I was clean shaven and cold but I didn't want to wear a scarf. So, I grew out my beard nice and thick to protect my chin, neck and cheeks from the brutal cold weather. Now since my beard hair doesn't really grow out at this point like my sideburns do it just curls up and creates a very warm blanket of heat and by the time it grew out I had started Shakespeare club. The teacher in charge told me I would have to grow out my beard until the play and that's what I'm gonna do. Now, I have about three months till the show and I think it is fitting to give my beard a name but I just don't know what to call it. Also, I think I want it to have its own blog. Only time will tell what will happen from here on out.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Terrible Secret

Like any other person, I love Ben & Jerry's ice cream. Especially phish food and chocolate fudge brownie but not because I like chocolate. In fact, strawberry is my favorite flavor (when it's made with real strawberries and not chemical crap). I love those flavors because they're like a kinder egg, not only do you get the ice cream but you get the extra stuff that's in it. The caramel swirls, marshmallow bits and chocolate fishes and the big brownie chunks. The brownie chunks are the best, but unfortunately the ratio of brownie to ice cream is not usually very high, in fact it's pretty low. This leads me to my main point. When it comes to the brownie bits I will go out of my way to get them. No matter how sneaky I need to be I will eat all of them. I let someone else start it out, getting rid of the top and as soon as I see a bit of brownie poking out of the chocolate I attack it with my spoon. I will dig and dig into that little pint to get all of the brownie into my stomach. But if I just dug everything up, it would be obvious that I dug everything up and that's when the trickiness comes in. After eating all the brownie, I even out the chocolate layer and then smooth it over. But that still makes things too obvious. Then I take little spoonfuls from the smoothed out layer to look like someone just took a normal portion and didn't eat all the brownie bits.I'm terrible.